On Monday, October 25, 2021, at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, an Internal Audit On Site Visit was held. The Internal Audit material is a portfolio of Outcome Based Education (OBE)-based courses and accreditation, as well as the readiness of facilities, information systems related to hybrid learning. Internal audit of the portfolio of OBE-based courses and accreditation is carried out in the Meeting Room with the auditors consisting of the Dean of the Undip Faculty of Engineering and the TPMF team, while the auditees consist of the Heads of S1, S2, S3 study programs; Sekprodi S1, S2; and the GPM team. While the Internal Audit is facility readiness, the information system related to hybrid learning is located in Room A.2.2 with auditors consisting of WD II, Resources Supervisor, E-learning and Network, and P2K3. For the auditees consisting of the Head of Department, K3 team, SIAP operators, IT team, academic admin, procurement of stationery.

The portfolio that has been compiled in the S1 Study Program consists of 10 courses with an assessment of Course Learning Outcomes (Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah / CPMK) conducted in the even semester of 2020/2021. CPMK achievement analysis is expected to be carried out on an ongoing basis. In addition, in the next semester (odd semester 2021/2022) the number of course portfolios is expected to increase, not only in the Undergraduate Study Program but also in the Masters and Doctoral Study Programs. For accreditation, the Doctoral Study Program in the near future will apply for BAN-PT re-accreditation. As for the hybrid learning process, the Chemical Engineering Department is quite ready to carry it out.

The results of the FT Internal Audit activities, part of the implementation of the quality assurance system, are expected to be input for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process and achieving learning outcomes in the Chemical Engineering Department.